Sometimes a debt collector or creditor will go so far as to sue for collection of debt that you cannot possibly pay, that is for the wrong amount, or that you may not even legitimately owe (such as a bill that has already been paid or one that is owed by a different person). In such cases, LaGuardia Law is the legal counsel you want defending you in court.
Remember that once a lawsuit has been served for debt collection, you only have a limited amount of time to respond (in most cases, you have less than 30 days to respond in writing). If action is not taken immediately, a person’s wages may be garnished or bank accounts may be levied to pay debts. Therefore, it is imperative to call us today at 619-655-4322 to hire an experienced debt collection defense attorney.
Why Choose LaGuardia Law for All San Diego Debt Collection Abuse Attorney Needs?
Please contact LaGuardia Law for a free consultation. If you have a legal question regarding to debt collection defense, call and tell us about it. We want to hear about your legal issues and concerns. And, if we can’t help you, we have an extensive referral network of local law firms that will be able to assist you.